Lesson 9 - Is fitting my PPF inside or outside better?

Lesson 9 - Is fitting my PPF inside or outside better?

Lesson Summary

When it comes to fitting PPF, the debate of working inside or outside often arises. Ben shares his thoughts: He suggests that fitting outdoors can be practical, especially with advantages like good lighting and visibility.

It is recommended to exercise common sense when working outside, choosing a dry and calm day and ensuring you have enough time to complete the task. Setting up in a safe, quiet area like a driveway is preferable to a busy roadside location. If given the option, Ben would generally prefer fitting indoors for the controlled environment. However, it is possible to fit outside, the chances of contamination are increased. Both indoor and outdoor environments require consideration of cleanliness and suitability for the task at hand to avoid contamination.

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Technical Specifications

Professional-Grade Film Properties:

  • Total thickness: 190µm
  • TPU thickness: 150µm
  • Self-Healing: Activated at 30°C
  • UV Protection: Advanced anti-yellowing technology
  • Surface Energy: Optimized for professional installation
  • Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive acrylic with positioning properties
  • Warranty: 5-year comprehensive coverage
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