Save up to £6,000 per year on car repairs and detailing costs. DIY PPF keeps your vehicle pristine and protected against bumps, scrapes and vandalism.

  • Protect Your Investment

    DIY PPF provides unparalleled protection for your car against vandalism, stone chips, weather corrosion, scrapes, and everyday parking incidents.

  • Save Thousands

    DIY PPF will save you thousands over having a professional PPF install. We like to say, you get 80% of the result, for 20% of the cost. A worthy trade off for many.

  • A Truly Rewarding DIY Project

    Applying PPF isn't just about protection; it's a fulfilling project that lets you connect with your car. Enjoy the satisfaction and protection you give your car.

100% Driver's Confidence

Ever had that sinking feeling when a pebble hits your car?

Fear of scratches can take the joy out of driving, and damage to your car isn't just about looks, it's about value aswell.

Our DIY PPF kit puts those worries to rest. Protect your car, safeguard its value, and enjoy your drive.

  • Step 1: Order Your Kit

    We take your registration and an image of your vehicle after ordering, and ensure you get the right kit for your vehicle.

    If it's not right, contact us and we'll replace it for free.

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    Step 2: Rewarding Application

    Combining our 8 step process with a good amount of time makes for high quality PPF application at a fraction of the cost!

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    Step 3: Drive with Confidence!

    Your expensive bodywork will now be protected for years to come.

Our Customers

Discover first-hand accounts from our DIY PPF customers who've embraced a smarter, cost-effective method to shield their vehicles

  • ★★★★★

    "Drives with freinds ruined the paint on my last car, I've just recieved delivery of my Yaris GR and have applied PPF at home from day 1! Very happy with the results so far"

    Dan - Cardiff 
  • ★★★★★

    "I used DIY PPF to protect my Porsche 911, the quality fo the film is amazing and fitting went well. Highly recommended"

    Gerry - Sheffield 
  • ★★★★★

    "My third car successfully DIY PPF'd! Very happy with the continued great results, thank you team!"

    Tom - Sheffield 
  • ★★★★★

    "Bought the Front end kit for my Porsche 911 and fit perfectly... The PPF fitting was pretty easy to get the hang of and made for quite a fun little project"

    Cameron - Yorkshire 

The Best Film On The Market

The DIY PPF film is specifically manufactured for our customers by one of the top paint protection film manufacturers.

We offer a more flexible product that can be fitted in a much wider variety of temperatures that standard PPF cannot. Our customers are guaranteed a fun and exciting project that protects their cars for many years to come.

Our self-healing film will provide customers with a fantastic, smooth and glossy finish once applied.

Shop now

Learn How To Fit, Do It Yourself

Our process for fitting PPF to your vehicle can be found in our "How-To" guide.

We run you through the entire process of fitting PPF to protect your car. We will share details the pitfalls, tips, tricks, prep and aftercare.

Learn how

Select Your Car, Find Your Kit.

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